i-WOBAL results presentation at Innotecs

i-WOBAL results presentation at Innotecs

The i-WOBAL project continues to disseminate its results beyond the project deadline at the Innotecs Annual Conference in Galdakao (Bizkaia) on 13 and 14 May. Innotecs is an association of European Vocational Training and Higher Education Centres in the field of...
Final i-WOBAL project meeting

Final i-WOBAL project meeting

On April 17-18, the final i-WOBAL project meeting took place in Nantes, France, with ICAM as host. Representatives of all the institutions that participated in the project attended the meeting, during which they had the opportunity to discuss the latest aspects of the...
i-WOBAL WBL Facilitators Training

i-WOBAL WBL Facilitators Training

Last week, 16-17 January, the i-WOBAL project training took place in Bilbao, organised and coordinated by the Deusto University team. Fifteen participants from the consortium partners were involved in the project’s testing phase. The training aimed to validate...