On April 22, 2024, San Viator successfully hosted a significant multiplier event at Maristak Durango as part of the I-WOBAL (International Work-Based Learning in Higher Education) project.
Multiplier events
National and transnational conferences, seminars and other events to disseminate the Project Results
6th National Multiplier Event, Egibide in collaboration with the University of Deusto (Spain)
On March 21, the i-Wobal project and its results were presented within the “Erasmus+ KA2 Project Dissemination Day” framework organized by Tknika, the Basque Vocational Training Innovation Centre supported by the Basque government’s Deputy Ministry for VET.
5th National Multiplier Event, EGIBIDE (Spain)
On November 28, Egibide held a new National Multiplier Event of i-Wobal project, under the title of “i-Wobal: Guide and Online Training for Dual Training Instructors”.
4th National Multiplier Event, ENAIP (Italy)
On the 24th November a large and eager audience of more than 30 persons attended to the “i – WOBAL National Event” organized by ENAIP VENETO in the beautiful city of Verona, in Italy.
3rd National Multiplier Event, REGENSBURG (Germany)
OTH Regensburg successfully conducted a significant event on November 7th as part of the Erasmus+ “i-WOBAL – International Work Based Learning in Higher Education” project.
2nd National Multiplier Event, Krems (Austria)
The multiplier event was hosted by the Department for Higher Education Research at the University for Continuing Education in Krems, Austria, on October 31, 2023.
1st National Multiplier Event, Icam (France)
This 3rd event took place at the engineering school Icam on the campus of Vendée in La Roche sur Yon, France.